Through Mozaïk-dVision, GRICS provides you with solutions that help you make decisions concerning your school body. To do this, we put different tools at your disposal.
Academic Success
School principals and director general* often need to provide information on their students’ academic results (e.g., the “Plan engagement vers la réussite”). The Academic Success dashboard makes part of this task simpler by providing different indicators and success rates by competency and subject. It shows you how the situation has evolved over the last five years.
The Academic Success dashboard allows school principals (primary and secondary) to access valuable information at a glance. This information can be filtered, drilled down and customized to meet the school’s specific needs.
Results Distribution by Intervals
To track student success on a daily basis, school principals* often rely on academic results. The Results Distribution by Intervals chart allows principals to quickly grasp the situation at their school.
At a glance, the principals can see which students are passing, at risk or failing. Results can be filtered by subject, competency, gender, etc. You can also identify students who need more help.
Predictions for ministerial examinations
Our first predictive analysis algorithms are aimed at primary school principals*. We have created a table that identifies students at risk of failing the Grade 4 ministerial writing examination in French (language of instruction). A second algorithm for Grade 6 ministerial writing examinations for both English and French (language of instruction) will be added soon.
At-risk students are identified right from the start of the school year, which gives principals the opportunity to encourage their staff to follow up more closely with these students, monitor their progress during the year and promote actions to facilitate their success.
*Directors general have access to data for all schools in their organization; principals have access to data for their school only.